Friday, March 17, 2017

Day #9- March 17, 2017

 A lovely day today with Pete.  We kept company today with several kinds of ducks- common mergansers, hooded mergansers, a mallard couple, and a common goldeneye.  We still had to use our snowshoes, but as we stood on the sunny side of the pond and felt the warmth on our faces, you could feel that spring was on its way. 

 Racoon prints were all over in the shallow water in one of the coves.  There were also some empty mussel shells so perhaps he had enjoyed a little fresh water sushi after a long winter of ice-cover that had kept him from the tasty shellfish.


  1. Thanks for taking us along and for sharing your appreciation of nature's gifts.

  2. Diane - Just found out about your blog and I am brought to tears by the beauty you find in nature and in life!! Thank you for taking us on this journey with you! You are loved! <3
