Friday, March 10, 2017

Day #1- March 7, 2017

My first day of treatment and walk around Walden Pond is shared with the most important person in my life, my husband Pete. It's a cold, overcast day which I'm sure is keeping most people away, but they are missing out on a truly amazing day and an amazing phenomenon on the pond.

I first noticed that there were rocks floating on the water.  But the completely transparent ice had caused the illusion.  Then I heard an unusual sound, like a large flock of birds beating their wings in flight off in the distance. We then realized it was the wind causing the thin ice to vibrate.  As we approached the next cove a class of high school students was discovering another variation of that phenomenon.  Whenever someone threw a rock on the ice, it created an amazing, unworldly sound that carried out across the pond. What a special experience!

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