Friday, March 10, 2017

Breast Cancer

I am by no means a writer or photographer.  These posts are meant to share my experience dealing with breast cancer and specifically six weeks of radiation treatments.  My prognosis is very good but I still have to get through the treatments.  To do that I am visiting Walden Pond each day. This has given me the opportunity to watch Walden Pond transform from winter to spring.  I never would have taken the time otherwise to walk around the pond every weekday morning for six weeks. It is an experience I look forward to every day and will always remember.  Each day I happen to take a short stop at Emerson Hospital on my way to Walden Pond, where I put a johnny on, lay on my back with my arms over my head for a few minutes, and chat with the sweet women who gently take me through the procedure. But the days are really about exploring and appreciating the beauty of nature, the peace it gives me, and the importance of my connection to it.

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