Friday, March 24, 2017

Day # 14- March 24, 2017

 Such a peaceful day at Walden Pond.  Simple quietness. The water was calm, a big change from recent days.  The first part of our walk is always on the colder side of the pond and there is always something beautiful to discover along the shoreline. This time I found a lovely vignet of four ice bells hanging from a log. (Funny that last night I had just been corresponding with a friend about his wedding.)  We saw no water birds until we got around to the opposite side and noticed a pair of hooded mergansers and a pair of buffleheads, but they blended in so well with the reflections and were difficult to spot.

The true sign that spring is here came when we were almost done with our walk and something colorful caught my eye. The bright yellow stood out in the mellow coloration of the day.  The color of Happiness. :)    

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