Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Day #26- April 11, 2017

Walden Pond has been transformed by the 84 degree weather today.  There are fishermen everywhere along the shoreline. (Apparently yesterday's boats were stocking it with rainbow trout.)  There is a group of young men playing music and hitting rocks into the pond with sticks.  There are mothers with little children playing on the beach, a large extended Chinese family walking along the path, a couple sitting on the water's edge.  Pete and I took a canoe out after our walk. It was great to be on the water again.  We saw two 3-ft orange carp in Thoreau's cove! A woman joined us on the water doing yoga on a stand-up paddleboard.  Another woman appeared in a kayak.  We had a picnic lunch on the shoreline. Two men jumped into the water.  Briefly. The pond came alive with people today, all enjoying the outdoors in their own way.

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